The CRM Designed for you

Unleashing Potential with Our AI-Powered, Low-Code CRM

The CRM Designed for You!

Up and Running in Minutes!

Ignite Your CRM Revolution! Build Your Own Turnkey CRM with Our Dynamic Launch Wizard!


Wizard helps LAUNCH initial campaign setup and automatic configuration of:

Standard features

CRM Functionality

  • Contact/Interaction (Case) Management and Tracking: This means you can organize your contacts and remember every time you talk to them. It's like keeping a record of your conversations.

  • Notes Tracking on Each Interaction: You can add notes to remember important stuff after every talk. It's like sticky notes for your CRM.

  • Scheduled Events Calendar: Plan and schedule meetings and follow-ups. It's like having a calendar for all your CRM activities.

  • Seamlessly Expand Components: Visual, Low/No-Code, Drag-and-Drop: Customize your CRM, It's like building with blocks – easy and flexible.

  • Interaction logging process

  • Captures basic call information and resolution:

  • Topics: Categorize conversations like using labels, so you know what each call was about.

  • Description: Summarize the call quickly. It's a snapshot of the main points, saving you from listening to the whole call again.

  • Resolved Y/N: Easily mark if the issue got solved. Like a checkbox

  • Provides an escalation path for unresolved issues: If a problem isn't fixed, this outlines a backup plan.
  • Reporting

  • Unveil Insights at Your Fingertips: Explore Ready-Made Standard Reports!
    easily see important information without much effort. Think of it like opening a book to find answers. Ready-made reports show you data in a way that's easy to understand and useful.

  • Unleash Your Analytical Prowess with the Power to Craft Limitless Custom Reports! Your Data, Your Way.
    Use your skills to create reports the way you want. You can dig deep and find insights that are tailored to what you need to know.

  • Client Configurable Knowledgebase:
    This is like having a smart database that you can shape according to your needs. You can organize and store information in a way that works best for your clients, making it easier for them to find what they need.
  • Standard

    Standard CRM Functionality

  • Contact/Interaction (Case) Management and Tracking: This means you can organize your contacts and remember every time you talk to them. It's like keeping a record of your conversations.

  • Notes Tracking on Each Interaction: You can add notes to remember important stuff after every talk. It's like sticky notes for your CRM.

  • Scheduled Events Calendar: Plan and schedule meetings and follow-ups. It's like having a calendar for all your CRM activities.

  • Seamlessly Expand Components: Visual, Low/No-Code, Drag-and-Drop: Customize your CRM, It's like building with blocks – easy and flexible.

  • Standard Interaction logging process

  • Captures basic call information and resolution:

  • Topics: Categorize conversations like using labels, so you know what each call was about.

  • Description: Summarize the call quickly. It's a snapshot of the main points, saving you from listening to the whole call again.

  • Resolved Y/N: Easily mark if the issue got solved. Like a checkbox

  • Provides an escalation path for unresolved issues: If a problem isn't fixed, this outlines a backup plan.
  • Standard Reporting

  • Unveil Insights at Your Fingertips: Explore Ready-Made Standard Reports!
    easily see important information without much effort. Think of it like opening a book to find answers. Ready-made reports show you data in a way that's easy to understand and useful.

  • Unleash Your Analytical Prowess with the Power to Craft Limitless Custom Reports! Your Data, Your Way.
    Use your skills to create reports the way you want. You can dig deep and find insights that are tailored to what you need to know.

  • Client Configurable Knowledgebase:
    This is like having a smart database that you can shape according to your needs. You can organize and store information in a way that works best for your clients, making it easier for them to find what they need.
  • Advanced Admin Controls

    Powerful Administration Controls at Your Fingertips!

    Access to full SpiceX LCAP

    Turnkey CRM 'built' by customer using CRM Launch Wizard

  • Preconfigured default CRM View

  • Starting (LAUNCH) point for creatives to start using the platform and customizing their personalized CRM.
  • Wizard helps LAUNCH initial campaign setup allows automatic configuration of:

  • User Account Licensing

  • 1 Campaign including:

    • 8 CRM Fields

    • 10 Dispositions, each with 3 Sub Dispositions

    • Customer Data Import

    Standard CRM Functionality

  • o Contact/Interaction (case) management and tracking

    • Notes tracking on each interaction.

    • Client Configurable Knowledgebase

    • Scheduled Events Calendar

    • Attach files to cases/records.

    Standard Interaction logging process

  • Captures basic call information and resolution:

    • Topics

    • Description

    • Resolved Y/N

  • Provides an escalation path for unresolved issues.
  • Access to full SpiceX LCAP

  • Full capability to add or extend as many of the above-mentioned components using visual, low/no-code, drag and drop application platform.

  • Database module for low-level data access through visual query builders or advanced MYSQL browser
  • Full access to platform Administration controls, including:

  • Security Profiles

  • User Access Control

  • Campaigns

  • Statuses

  • Dispositions

  • Meta Tags

  • Record Types

  • Skins

  • Views

  • Scheduled Tasks

  • Platform Connections
  • Standard Reporting

  • Access to standard out of the box reports

  • Ability to create new reports
  • Request a Demo Now !

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    The best and most complete Low Code Application Platform for data integration, case management, and workflow management to help transform your customer journey
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